But you don't very much care for flattery at this point and he won't get far with it. You keep pushing against him using every method of attack available to you. Arms, legs, wings rain down on him to batter him into submission or at the very least keep his sword occupied. You breathe fire and shed lightning whilst filling the air around him with a choking mist. Yet the greatest swordsman lives up to his reputation as he bats away each and every attack, cuts through bolts of lightning and tongues of fire whilst being unbothered by the lack of breathable air. Yet nobody is unbeatable, not even you and most certainly not him. As far as you can tell he's just human. With human weaknesses.
During your perpetual flurry you start fluttering the patagium of your wings and speak with a voice resonating with that voice.
"Don't move!"
The echoing sound enters his ear and starts resonating with his inner ear. For the briefest of moments Mihawk stumbles as he's overcome by an intense vertigo. He takes one wrong step and his foot slides off a rock jutting out of the ground. This momentary distraction is all you need. Raising your fist in the air and aiming down you start blowing fire out of your elbow to propel your punch but you hold it back until your arm is shaking from the built up force.
"NOW D-Urk!"
You stop.
Mihawks eyes open wide and he doesn't hesitate with jumping out of danger. This is the first time you see him emoting in any way and he seems confused.
"Why did you cease? You had me. This is such a disappointment. So tell me. Why?"
But you don't want to answer, or rather can't as you're fixated with the ground right under your feet. Mihawk notices your fixation and also looks down.
"Oh. That explains a few things. Clever. However if that's distracting you-"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBiAA6BMxbU&t=1sMihawk raises his sword and cuts the island in half right between the two of you. Though neither half starts submerging the separated landmasses slowly drift further and further from each other until a massive ravine forms. Understandably the admiralty board is more than a little mad about this but once they become aware of the reason why he did it they fall silent. From the gap Eliza jumps out alongside Murray with Lyda and Dexter riding each of them respectively as water rushes in to fill the crevice.
"Phew! That was a close one."
"There. Now you won't have any distractions."
You look at her with an open mouth. She's in a bad condition. She's been mercilessly beaten and starved just to keep her in check. Yet she hasn't lost anything from her sunny disposition.
"Heeey buddy. It's been a while. You've grown a lot!"
She smiles yet it's obvious that she's weary.
But now it's not the time for chit-chat or tearful reunions.
>"Can you fight?">"Murray! Take her out of here! NOW!">Other?