>>5956688“Alright, then I’m going to get a coffee.” He says before walking off, leaving you to have to carry all your heavy bags inside your room. The nerve.
A few minutes later you find yourself reclining in the chair provided in your room, the train will start soon and a startling realization just hit. There’s barely anything do to here! You’ll need to starve off boredom before it hits!
>Scrounge your luggage to see if someone packed away a novel or two. However, this thought gives you a Euphoric! weird feeling.>Go find the inquisitor and ask him the other questions you had>Stare out your window and wish the train was moving>[Write-in] The Vote is going to be up for about a week, maybe a bit less. I'll still be checking the thread so feel free to keep giving suggestions. I'll post on the QTG when we're live again.