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The final ten wear armored coats and sunglasses, wielding a mixed armament of crossbows and arming swords. Their clean, crisp appearance and discipline marks them as members of Haagenti's Royal Guard, the strongest forces at your command right now. Not as tough as the Defense Corps, nor do they have the firepower of the Alchemist Corps, but the balance they strike makes them an ideal elite task force. Especially since the Alchemist Corps has outfitted them with a number of potions to improve their performance in the field.
Those potions become special drops, too, if they're killed. Each of them has one Endurance Potion, one Healing Potion, and one Nightvision Potion. It's too bad the alchemists can only outfit their fellow goblins with this stuff.
Haagenti spent the last week practicing her micro game with the goblins corps. It seems she has a natural aptitude for "Stutter Stepping" the Royal Guard, which somehow increases their rate of fire by skipping the need for them to reload their crossbows. You don't fully understand how that works, and chalk it up to an aspect of her [666 APM Micro] skill causing things to behave strangely. She's also been practicing how to control the Alchemist Corps, but...
"Ugh, Kirke..." Haagenti pulled aside Kirke on the fifth day, displeasure on her face. "Why do your minions behave like casters...?"
"I don't... what?" Kirke looked particularly perplexed at her Lord's words.
"Why aren't their bombs auto-attacks?" Haagenti complains, though her terminology continues to throw Kirke off. "They don't do anything different than a siege weapon would, their AOE's about on par with a trebuchet... so why aren't those auto-attacks? Instead I have to manually select the option to use a bomb and then target an area. It's not even like it's on cooldown or has an energy cost, I could understand it if it was like that..."
"I... don't know, Madame President," Kirke says. "Should we ask the core for funds? I might be able to research something that could make them... what even is an auto-attack..?"
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-r">New Research Options unlocked</span></span>
<span class="mu-s">Goblin Bomb Slingers</span> 0/100 - Should solve the auto-attack problem
<span class="mu-s">Goblin Mortar Teams</span> 0/500 - Slower and more siege/AOE focused
<span class="mu-s">Goblin Bomb-Heads</span> 0/200 - These loyal soldiers of the Demon King will gladly give their lives to destroy adventurers
Speaking of research, Kirke does have a laboratory. Like the tower's dungeon, it sits in the basement - or rather, just outside of the basement proper. Part of the Stone Tower includes a "secret entrance" that now tunnels to the cliffside overlooking the abyss. Kirke has set up her lab for research and potion making in a small cave that apparently has the ideal conditions for some fermentations she uses. Apparently, the cave also comes with a [Mushroom Node] that can spawn mushrooms useful for alchemy.
The basement itself, along with the dungeon within it, has been taken over by Sophiette for... "interrogation purposes".