>>5798504Unlike your own quarters the temporary barracks of the men aboard was a cramped affair, men shared lodgings and meals together and the smell of piss and excrement was noticeable under the smell of communal living and your nose twitched as you made your way amongst them, boys of an age with you and old greybeards shared circles, some small others large but none with the division you found in your Fathers family, perhaps it was true what knights said of war, that there was a common brotherhood found in fighting aside one another.
You ducked aside as a pair of men sauntered by, you could smell the cheap wine on them as they passed, you were not used to it, feasts and revelry were an uncommon thing in Crab castle reserved for feast days or the celebration of a marked nameday you always at the high table with your Father and his family not the common tables of lesser men. You felt a bit lost amongst them, despite your intentions it was rare you actually talked to the men outside your Fathers picked men and rarely then more than the business you were often sought for.
A clap on the shoulder made you jump.
<span class="mu-s">''A crab out of water eh? Alyn''</span>
1)a face in the crowd
>The weatherworn features of Garon, your fathers sergeant, dumb as a stump but loyal beyond doubt, small wonder he didn't even say milord, he likely couldn't remember it past his last meal. [Haughty]>You saw the ever grinning face of Lucos waters, ser Duncan's ''other'' squire, a man grown, you heard once he was of kings landing somewhere called the ''bottoms'' whatever that meant, odd company but a familar face was a start. [Cynic]>They recognised you but you didn't know them, they were of an age with you though and if nothing another boy was company to take too, even if they were overly familiar. [Taciturn]2)Intentions
You may select more than one but be aware of stretching yourself too thinly, a boy only has so much in him>You'd never played dice before or any of the other games the men occupied their time with and you found yourself curious of the many forms they took. [Gambling]>Eagerness of the coming war filled your gut with excitement and you would need true swords by your side. [Rallying cry]>Their was information to learn from the idle talk, be it of the coming meeting of houses, of the port of Dragonstone or even your own house. [Illicit information] >Some part of you enjoyed the simple company of these baser men, none of Corlys anger, Ser Duncan's strict discipline or your half-kins barbs. [Boyish reprieve]