Through the centre, through the arch of the middle-aged couple, you hope to find the way to the hidden palace.
What little light there was in these strange halls disappeared as you went deeper and deeper into the cold corridor. There was nothing to see, nothing to hear, not even the voice that had nearly knocked you off your feet.
Yet sound returned, not in the form of laughter or conversation, but in the form of wind. Then the stars came out, which was strange, for you were sure it was still morning when you entered this strange land.
The stars were all around you, at your side and above you, even below you. But when you looked down, you found that you weren't walking, you were falling, and falling deeply, for you saw a great ball of light, which at first you thought was the sun, but it became clearer that it was the earth you were now falling to. As you recognised the shapes from the maps.
You weren't sure how you got here, or what the intentions were when this thing was built, but you wanted out.
Then the voice came again, clearer this time, aristocratic and crisp.
<span class="mu-b"> ''To see the unseen, thou must transcend mortal sight. Look not with thy eyes from the ground, but a from above, as the sun looks down upon us all.'' </span>
Surprisingly, you could understand that part, though you had no idea what the voice meant.
<span class="mu-b"> ''Choose, close in upon the land thy wishes to survey'' </span>
Close in upon the land, what? Does he mean that you should choose a country to look at, do you need to think about it, or do you need to say the name of the land you wish to see? It might be worth a try though.
Select a country you wish to see
>Somewhere else (Write-in option for a place on the map)