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With a flick of his hand the blade was moved. The strike glazing harmlessly against the armor that was suppose to defend most of the neck from blades just like the one Lucian wielded.
In a flash the head of the ghoul that tried to kill Lucian with a sneak attack was severed from the neck of the creature. A blade rounding back to the Knight in the direction away from Lucian in what was a practiced method of fighting.
Quickly the two took a pair of steps away from one another. Their blades now in a resting position as they stared at one another. In that same moment a flush of magic was carried through the room with a scream of finality coming through the hall silenced with the slamming of a hammer.
Adok had finished off the Necromancers.
He saw it. The Knight placed the sword upon his belt in a practice motion that showed no conflict within his person. By far it was the smoothest motion that Lucian had seen from the warrior yet.
No longer was there someone puppeting his actions. The Black Knight was free to do as he pleased during these last few minutes of animation.
Lucian watched as the Knight raised his hands and placed them upon his helm. Gently the blackened helm was removed to reveal the clearly degraded features of the Knight who had fallen in a battle so long ago.
His jaw was missing, likely a limb that the Necromancers did not bother to animate thanks to their limited time getting to the Grail Knight. Little bits of flesh clung to his skull in a way that made Lucian think him to be dead for maybe fifteen years.
Taking the helm, the Black Knight presented it to Lucian. Then he took the armor and placed it behind him.
If Lucian was to defeat this Knight, then the armor would be his.
Lucian could not fully understand what it was being given when the Knight braced his sword once again. Without a helm hiding hid damnation the Knight was looking for one more fight before the magic that kept him alive dissipated with the wind.
Without a word the two men launched at one another with their weapons held high.