Charles de Villeroi
>QuestLocal Lord Quest>DescriptionA handsome, athletic, and well-constructed young nobleman of good Christian moral fiber... Well, good Christian moral fiber circa 11th Century France. He has come to 'India' (really the fantastical kingdom of Bofuria) bearing the sword, the cross, and a disease-ridden, crop-wilting, woman-weakening anti-magic field of 'mudcore' energies which he attributes to God, and through intrigues and sheer confidence has established himself as the lord of Lorcal... Err, LOCAL, rather.
>LikesGod, courtly love, and hunting
>DislikesBurghers, witches, and those who prefer boring 'peace' to the joy of private war
>Fun factHe once beat a 'turtle in single combat! Well, it looked like the turtle in a Medieval bestiary he saw once. Indians called it a 'troll'.
>Fears and WeaknessesAs a third son, he is borderline illiterate and not well-schooled in politics. As a man from the 11th century, he has a rather limited and strange understanding of the world, tending to filter all experiences through his small pool of reference points; he's still pretty sure elves are just strangely long-lived Italians, for instance. He also has a bad habit of thinking with his dick, when his fiancé isn't around.
>Why he's King materialHe was born to the righteous and good feudal nobility which, unlike those of common blood, have been chosen by God to shepherd and guide the people, and he's been raised to take wise and decisive action! that's what he'd say, at least.