>>6069868I will do that. 24hours between postdumps.
>>6069347>rolled 826 vs dysfunctional marriage DC700. >SUCCESS>Gui Li does not make her move.>DC for the next dysfunctional marriage check will be DC 680>in about one week of Goblinslayer Time.>You may wish to get stronger before that happens, or make an effort at the Conjugal Performance Ceremony to delay it.Both anons (if there are two of you), please choose how Toady will go about investigating Plague Town:
choose one of each:
>explore by day / night>explore skirts of the town / mains of the town>get <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">BLOOD</span></span> for Shitfool / not>Yang Wuhan requires 74LM / 31days>QM rollan Derreschston present living populationvote to be called 12hrs from this post
post dump due 24 hours from this post