>>5662653>>5662655>>5662666>>5662699>>5662703>>5662733>>5662795Leaving your fellow guard is one of the hardest decisions you’ve ever had to make, but your duty to protect the royal family comes first. Turning from the fight with the Gerudo, you flee grabbing the princess and pulling her with you as you jump down into the pit. While the fall isn't too high you landed at an awkward angle and stumbled forward directly onto the rubble from the collapsed ceil and end up almost skewering yourself on a splintered piece of wood However the falling princess also stumbles on her landing and rams directly into your back pushing you forward onto the piece of wood The splinter pierces your abdomen And goes all the way through to poke out your back the pain takes your breath away and you're left gasping as the princess steps away from you, horrified at what just happened. Above you can hear the final cry of the other guard as he is killed by assassins. You desperately suck in a breath of and almost black out from the pain but you managed to turn your head and wheeze to the princess "Run" The princess stands there horrified for a moment at the piece of wood protruding from your back but then either her instincts or better senses take hold and she flees down the hall away from you.
The middle princess turns the corner at the end of the hallway and disappears from sight, just as the 3 assassins drop down into the hole. Impaled on a piece of wood your back to them and your spear fallen from your hand, you are not much of a threat. A hand seizes the rim of your helmet and yanks your head back, the motion jostling the wood in your gut and making you gasp in pain again. Forced to look up you find yourself staring into the face of masked Gerudo. At any other time, you might have admired the woman's beautiful green eyes, or the way her dark orange facemask complemented her tanned features, but now all you can see in those beautiful green eyes, is cold mercilessness. Who knew death could be so pretty. You close your eyes and brace yourself for what's next, waiting for the cold kiss of steel on your neck. But it doesn't come. You open your eyes again and find the eyes staring back into yours have lost their chill. An expression of pity now fills them.
One of the other assassins barks something in Gerudo and the one holding your head releases it and responds back in the same tone. The whole troop then heads off down the hallway in the direction the princess left from leaving you alone, impaled on the wooden stake, and bleeding out. You were spared by the enemy but your ordeal is far from over.