>>6092014ROUND 45 / 50
Notable Events:
>Imperial Utah has unified Montana!>Bliss of Befoulment has conquered Delaware (Pres.Biden's former capital)!!Central Texas Seige
>NARG vs MEF>(14) vs (20) = 6 victory for NARG Michigan Continuous Assault
>C.U.C.K.S vs Mecha Brandon>(12) vs ()Rout of Montana
>Utah vs C.U.C.K.S>(34) vs (0) = 34 significant victory for UtahMississippi Crossing (IN)
>Old Gods vs NFR(14) vs (26) = 12 victory for NFR
Delaware Campaign
>Bliss of Befoulment vs New England>(8) vs (0) = 8 victory for BBWar-torn Central PA
>New England vs Mecha Brandon>(12) vs (14) = 2 minor victory for MB##################################
>>6091984>Rolled 6603 (1d9999)The Old Gods +10 (small +4 bonus b/c I mistook west and east last roll)
>>6092028>Rolled 6327 (1d9999)NARG +14
>>6092050>Rolled 7755 (1d9999) dubsUtah +30 WA+2 NE+2
>that beeline through Ohioamong others lol
>>6092133>Rolled 5430 (1d9999)NFR +20 TN+3 FL+3
>>6092171>>6091893>Rolled 5446 (1d9999)C.U.C.K.S. +12
>>6092309>Rolled 5107 (1d9999)MEF +14 CA+6
>>6092367I know its a joke but this is very very poor etiquette for this thread. Please feel ashamed.
>>6092428He ate a dryer sheet; he's doing better now. Little idiot.
>>6092319>Rolled 6492 (1d9999)Bliss of Befoulment +8
>>6092605>Rolled 6104 (1d9999)New England +10 NY+1 ME+1
>>6092781>Rolled 8207 (1d9999)Mecha Brandon +14