Otomo Mizutani
>QuestNaruto Quest: Feeling Blue
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Feeling%20Blue>DescriptionOtomo is a ninja from the village hidden in the leaves.
He's extremely earnest, with a paradoxical combination of hard-earned wisdom and relative naivety. He's prone to melancholic internal waxing on philosophical matters pertaining to the nature of the ninja world and his role within it.
From an outside perspective he appears to be detached, blunt in mannerism, prone to wallowing in his own internal world, easily perturbed, and more interested in analyzing his own intuition than on focusing on what's actually around him. Those closest to him also consider him to be a genuinely gentle and thoughtful soul, if also a bit paranoid and reckless when he does act.
>LikesCold showers, water, carving wooden miniatures, staring into space.
>DislikesThe absurd and chaotic nature of fate, his own ignorance of social forces, the fact that the violent nature of his profession virtually guarantees that he'll have to watch the people around him slowly die off one at a time if he doesn't get picked off first.
>Fun factHis mother tried to use his body and soul as a sacrifice to resurrect his long-dead sister, and because of that he has a complicated case of spiritual Alzheimer's.
>Fears and WeaknessesOtomo fears being rolled over in direct melee combat, which is currently his tactical weakness in combat. He also fears making unwise choices that could butterfly into catastrophic outcomes for his comrades and innocent bystanders.
>Why he's King materialHe's still young, but he's got a good attitude on learning and wisdom that has him on the path of attaining enlightenment and becoming a beacon of righteousness for the people around him. Internally reaffirms his willingness to die for his friends and village on a routine basis. Tries to be logical and objective.