>>5827323With the invention of the Conrad-Saskia Reactor, the Dragerige Space Force is able to get some actual warships going. Even implementing them into their primitive spaceships they are able to drastically increase their offensive potential. Ship cannons can use energy intensive autoloaders and can adjust more frequently due to not being reliant on solar-power and batteries. Of course there are also the implementation of supercomputers for ballistics calculations and automization of ship systems. The difference is night and day. But an even bigger benefit is that they can finally power the Drageving Drive, a power hungry and temperimental hyperspace drive, folding space along the Drageveg lanes, shortening the distance to our target. It does cause issues while traversing though, as it's a fight between the folding hyperspace drive and the natural force to unfold space back into it's flat shape. This is experienced by the crew onboard by the bending of light, sound and balance. It's described as flickering, and has a high tendency to cause Hyperspace Sickness.
>Action 1: Develop Ekkorn Tactical Shuttle (versatile spaceplane, large selection of mission modules, does what the mothership can't).While the ship reactor and hyperdrive are potent, they are big and heavy. To such a degree that any spacecraft with both wont be able to survive planetary conditions due to size and weight distribution. This is a problem if we want to do planetary operations, so development began swiftly to plug this gap. But an issue with shuttles is the range and support limitations, adding the necessary parts ended up making it big anyway. However, the reactors that caused this problem is also the solution. By having the ship the shuttle accompanies act as a tender for the shuttle, the range and life support are resolved by just piggybacking off the mothership, sometimes literally. With this, the development of the Ekkorn Tactical Shuttle was underway, supporting a wide variety of roles thanks to the modular compartments. It can be a transport, a recon plane, even a half decent fighter for lack of actual fighters.
>Action 2: Launch Arn Egilson Expedition (explore toward southeast).We are now able to make craft with enough power to run our experimental FTL drive. Of course it isn't quite as easy as just plugging it in. We are lacking a hull to hold it. A number of wealthy pioneers are leaping at this opportunity, either hiring designers or making the designs themselves. One of them is Arn Egilson, having kept himself up to date on the recent development, he sets about making a ship with Valknut Architecture, which is required when dealing with highly experimental and temperimental technology. Packing triple redundancies of flux capacitors and flux vents, with large internal corridors to support Dragebjørn crewmen. Since their added strength will be useful in an emergency. All this powering a hefty Drageving Drive, sending them hurtling toward another solar system.