it's pretty easy to find him. given the monsters, cults, etc that generally hide in the sewers, you and the rest of the guards have already kind of an idea, since, sometimes you have to go down here and kill things. the sewer mutants get pretty bad, whenever those pop up, usually when someone dumps too many failed potions down their sink. you find him in some of the larger sewer tunnels used by the maintenance workers, finding that he somehow broke past the locks, doors, grates, and safety barriers to even get down here.
[8] [6]
he seems less happy about being found as you are of finding him. the sewer is dark and watery. he mutters
>goblins, alright, i'm telling you, i had to sneak in at night to check more but i'm telling you i gotta check for it, just in case. one of them said there was some hereagain, you know from reports the goblins are under control here, and, you definitely don't have an infestation of them.
just to be sure though you do check what could be the signs of goblins. nothing. your sewers look clean of that. honestly the last goblin nest you cleaned out still needs a demolition but...wait, did he say "was here"? yeah, he's probably acting on old information. the goblins that he is chasing, if they were the last lot, they're dead already. problem, though...how the fuck do you explain that to the crazy man in front of you? he'll probably find the burnt out nest if he looks hard enough anyways
he obviously needs medical attention, or a bit of clergy help, but he's also not breaking the law yet. you could leave him here to his fate as he skulks around your sewers, looking for goblins that aren't there anymore, till he turns into a statue. but, you could also be excused for forcibly dragging him out and to a healer for his own health and safety. but, what's the ethical choice here?
[17] [13]
something splashes down from a pipe that came from the bastion you guestimate, far out of sight down the tunnel. something moving and small, that soon makes a subtle noise of magic as it obviously grows bigger. both you and the green elf hear this and see what looks like a person covered in sewer muck rise out of the canal
...that's definitely not a goblin. that's probably a prisoner making a magical escape attempt. becuase there's always one of these guys.