>>6070441>5HP dmg received>discount 2HP per 3HPdmg for kludge armor>Lose 1 Dur per 3dmg rounded up>armor loses 2 Dur, 12/12Dur to 10/12>Toady loses 1 HP, 12/12HP to 11/12Dat mudderfugg dog sneeki! Big sneeki too, gobbdamm! Fugger HUGE! It was watchen you from it's shelter or smth, jest waiten, not barken nuffin, and then it lowered its head and charged up silent, and it GOT you! Mudder FUGG!! AND on the Dagger arm too! It knows which arm is the sword arm! Dis fuggen DOGG!
It's only the thick rope around its neck and the tree it's tied to that stops it from making a second try at turning you to gibbs.
Not that you fear (ok may be still a little) DOGS, now that you know the Carrionpede Killykilly, but Towser is a whole other category of DOG, or DOGGG, and he's barking his giant mutt head off. What you can see of the face in the middle of a riot of mane is psychotic and intelligent. Somewhere in its ancestry a grand mastiff fugged a Tiger. Then their offspring fugged a Bear. Then THAT offspring got pregged by a Ratel, and here he is, Towser.
Fuggen 'ell.
You hold where he nicked you, nearly got you. The skin got parted <span class="mu-i">deep</span>. Owch.
Double plus sized tornado bastich. Ain no bich tho. ssss, really: owch.
You get your Dagger out and point it at him. He stops <span class="mu-s">BOARK</span>ing to meet your eyes in a growl. He knows you're going to leave after talking. He's smart enough to read tone and body language. Not that he's very interested in parleying with a filfah ffeevon <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">GOBLON</span></span>. He just can't uproot the tree to get you right this minute.
>ligg yer grotch a little more borkboy>pizz n jizz much as yez can>cuz after I'm done wiv bizniz here?>finisht feeden n fixxen Sleepful?>im dubblin back for yer manky doggy BWOLLZTowser, snorts, huffs at you, sits on his haunches just at the limit of the rope. Front legs crossed. Alert. You know what he means.
>Towser recognizes you now>This is where the Mains join Mart Street>Towser belongs to someone who holds a business at the back of Mart Street.>It stinks there.>Towser's owner has taken up residence in one of the emptied houses on Main to pretend to be civilized.>And also it's a free house.>Towser's owner is a Tanner-Huntsman>From the quality of Towser's collar, he is friends with the Shoesmith, or a good customer.>Be careful in Mart Street by day>Be careful at End Main by night