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After getting your orders placed, you have time to chit-chat.
“Emily, tell me, what is your job situation like?” You ask with devilish intentions (hiring her.)
“Well, it’s…” Emily didn’t expect this kind of question right off the bat. “My previous job terminated my contract for my absences. Not like I miss my place at the Convenience Store. I’ve been flirting with the idea of working alongside Genesis, but I haven’t seen a cent from all the work I’m helping her with. I know there are no agencies at her news office, but it’s so frustrating. My parents aren’t pressuring me to find anything, but I don’t know how long their goodwill is going to last.”
“What makes you say that?” You wonder what her family situation is.
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder... but no more patient. I’m always finding new ways to upset them, I know I will. The novelty of my return is going to wear off. I’m sure they haven’t changed. They can’t change. I can’t expect them to.” Emily doesn’t foresee a good future.
“Are you saying this for any particular reason?” You remember seeing tears in her mother’s eyes, she was emotional to have her daughter back. Maybe Emily comes from a melodramatic family, but maybe not.
“I just know…” Emily looks away. “I didn’t want to bring the mood down.”
“You haven’t. And I was the one asking, so no need to apologize for nothing.” You let her know that everything is fine! “Anyway, I was asking because I may have a little job offer for you. If that’s okay with you. We can ignore what I said if that makes things awkward.” You really don’t wanna fuck up this date.
“Hmm?” Emily is interested in hearing more.
“I’ve been working on this humongous project that is getting a little overwhelming to handle on my own…” You rub the back of your neck.
“What kind of project?” Emily isn’t expecting much.
“Ehm.” You lean closer. “<span class="mu-i">I have an Idol Agency.</span>”
“An Idol agency…? As in idols like Carol?” Emily is pretty perplexed by what you are saying.
“Exactly that.” You smile. “I’d love to hire you as a secretary, if that’s okay with you.”
“Are you some kind of secret millionaire? Or am I missing something?” Emily doesn’t see this as a feasible thing. “This is hard to believe. I don’t think you’re lying to me, but I can’t picture this… I don’t know how serious this is.” Emily finds the right words to convey her confusion.
The problem here is that she doesn’t know the scale. You can prove to her with ease the magnitude of the challenge you’re facing!