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“The King?” Lucian asked with a raised brow towards the words.
“Guillon, the High King has a great many troubles with the raiders of Norsca.” Duke Moriset said with what was a tinge of annoyance, “You should not so easily slander the name of a Grail Knight and King with such vinegar.”
“Even if there was ten thousand Norscans fighting him in the north he did not decree a Crusade against these Greenskin.” The Duke pointed out with annoyance, “Without a Crusade or Errantry War neither a Knight Errant nor Questing Knight would come to us with aid. It has taken the combined might of three Dukedoms to destroy these Greenskin! If that is not worthy of a Crusade then I cannot speak of what would not be.”
“At least keep these words hidden. Distaste if reasonable but speaking aloud your grievances risks slandering his honor.” Protested Duke Moriset with a sunken heart.
“You should be first to understand the troubles.” Pointed out the Duke as he gave a feign gesture, “You are Duke to both Aquitaine and Bordeleaux with only a single boy as heir. The King should have appointed the next Duke of Aquitaine yet he does not. I have seen your son, Moriset, Gillon cannot manage two duchies if the worst was to come on this campaign.”
Lucian could barely believe his ears as the two men of extreme power talked. Indeed it was as Moriset said, these things should not have been said in the presence of a freshly made Errant without care if they were either Peasant or Noble before.
“The worst will not come and the King is of sound mind.” Declared Moriset as he attempted to end the conversation.
To those words the Duke Guillon somply gave a coy smile as he turned towards Lucian, “Lucian, as you are now a Nobleman you are party to these happenings. What do you think, am I the one in the wrong for striking the King with words or does the King strike me because of his inaction?”
“You cannot ask him such a thing.” Moriset tried to dig Lucian out of this issue with another speaking of words.
“But I have, and there is no honor loss in either of those answers. Even a Grail Knight carries my feelings on the matter, so it is not unfounded.” The Duke spoke with force that showed he was not going to back down.
>Apologize for the King
>Support the Duke