>>5978917>>5966766>>5966855>>5966801>>5966848>>5966428>>5974686I believe it was the protagonist of Walterquest who once said: ‘“Have you heard that it was good to gain the day? I also say it is good to fall, battles are lost in the same spirit in which they are won.”
What? It was Walt Whitman? Well, shit google THAT guy: if HE doesn’t know a think or two about KING SHIT, I don’t know who does! Anyway, it still seems relevant. Players of /qst/, we may not yet be ready for our King & Queen Round Robins, but that doesn’t mean we can’t carpe filum—seize the thread! While we’re all still here, let’s hold a little mini-tourney, eh?
Olympus QM is already hard at work on some images to thank and celebrate the losers of the initial vote, and if THAT won’t make you feel like a winner just for being here, well, maybe your waifu or husbando becoming GRAND ARCHDUKE OF /QST/ will!
(Or Prince/Princess? Grand Poobah? Court Jester? I dunno’)
ANYWAY, if you already have a stable IP registered and recognzied <span class="mu-s">you’re all good!</span>. If you don’t, like that one anon who keeps thinking about me performing fellatio for some reason, now’s the time to hope on board!
<span class="mu-g">FOR THE NEXT THREE DAYS</span>, we’re taking new IPs. Register them if you haven’t yet by responding to this post with (yes, there’s a catch) <span class="mu-r">some sort of art</span> (MS paint doodles or napkin sketches are fine) of your favourite contestant in the tourney!
In about <span class="mu-b">70-or-so hours</span>, I’ll begin the <span class="mu-s">OFFICIAL /QST/ LOSER’S BRACKET SINGLE-ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT</span>