>>6074919Q: Of this Divination Bowl, tell me. Whence gotten, and for what use.
>A reproduction by description of the Bloodsoil Chalice>Of the Satyricon Rite.>Filled with sweet lead wine and strychnine >Drunk by revellers in hedonic height>All surviving but the last>Who sees the bottom of the cup>but not the sun.>My use the same:>Filled with the Children's Blood I drank half deliciously>The bottom rest to the leez>Containing the ghulefacting sting of the Taint>I throw.Q: The Cup was imperfect, then; the Mad Corpse Poison was not all purged, causing your flesh and organs to grow sunken, and your appetites stranger. Your Witch's curse worked; your gods were thwarted by a woman.
>...Q: so a Treasure must match its user in temperament and power, or both cannot draw out their full extents, and the lesser or both suffer harm. This much is the same, between our worlds.