>>5823490Nation name: United Eridani Colonies
Description: I can't believe it's not the UNSC! Lost colony edition
1. Initial UECN Fleet (CentAdmin):
The UECN has long been a facet of projected power within the Ariadnae Eridani system, and with the advent of the Zubov-Shock Effect Drive the ability to project influence across the vast gulf of interstellar space is now a realistic possibility. With the threat of piracy and political terrorism now much diminished as a result of recent Maritime Intelligence Office activity, the most up-to-date vessels of the System Defense Fleet have been outfitted with FTL capabilites to serve as Eridani's tip of the spear.
2. Early FTL exploration (CentAdmin):
The first manned expedition would be made up of a subsection of the first fleet consisting of; both "Inari" class Electronic Warfare Cruisers for their Panopticon grade sensor systems, an "Eidolon" class Line Cruiser, a "Strázovce" class Carrier and 6 "Alexandria" class Escort Frigates to ensure tight security for the otherwise lightly armed ELWAR vessels. Their purpose would be a simple fly-by scanning of the system before more intensive studies can be performed by dedicated scientific crews on follow-ups to ensure the system isn't home to anything which would see civilian vessels as an easy target.
3. Initial psychokinetic research (MIO):
The last major Pirate holdout ship; a nearly 50 year old "Limitaneus" class Light Escort Cruiser, was finally located and boarded by Maritime Intelligence Office agents who managed to clear out the ship with light casualties and almost no fatalities on their part. The official story presented to the media was that the prisoners secured were being sent to break rocks on some distant asteroid, but the truth of the matter is much different. The MIO has long had a history of using it's nigh bottomless budget in order to persue research deemed to be quackery by modern science on the off chance something of use could be found. In the past two decades, some credence has been linked to the existance of ESP and psychokinetic abilities within certain individuals though actual research into the abilities these people might possess has yielded limited results due to reasonable bans on human testing in experimental fields of study. The MIO, however, is not subject to such laws and now finds itself in possession of several dozen deserters and economic-terrorists of which their pet ESPers can explore the limits of their raw psychic abilities.