>>5777123>>5777126>>5777128>>5777133>>5777138>>5777170You are an academician through and through. Having made a thesis on the interpretation of the Hebrew language in both the Bible and the Torah as part of your studies.
After finishing your studies you decided to settle down in the place of your alma mater and to seek employment with the university itself. You could for a long time, thankfully rely on the fortune your father had left you behind from investments in the Batavian Oil Company that would later on become a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell. Before he actually died of jungle fever while overseeing oil drilling in the east indies. Not to be outdone by your old man, you invested a part of your inheritance into the Philips electronics companies when they went on the stock market earlier this year. Simply put, financially speaking you are without worries. Having inherited enough and earning enough to live comfortably in Leiden as well as having a rural villa from your dad.
You work primarily because it gives you purpose and although you are not permanently on the staff of the university of Leiden, you are occasionally allowed to hold lectures on subjects.
What is your primary degree?
>Mediaeval history>Theology >Literature>Archaeology What kind of academic are you?
>I prefer field work, i have been on multiple expeditions already >I like to research and publish articles,papers and books, consulting archives and such things>I am a lecturer and teacher first and foremost, and I have held lectures across the universities of Europe.You finally reach your house after about a ten-minute walk through the windy november air of Holland. You would have been quicker but your bicycle had to be repaired as walking it is. Hopefully your housekeeper won’t mind your early return. Poor thing, she always gets a bit skittish if you drop in outside your usual schedule.
Before you go inside you go and take a look inside your mailbox. You briefly glance at the name on the mailbox, the first letter of your given name and your last name.
Select a last name
>Van Bloemenhof>Hondsdraf>de Vries>Estenbuis