>>6075609ROUND 23
Notable Events:
>Order of the Old Gods loses their capital to New England!!>NFR declares war on MEF!!>Bliss of Befoulment (BB) has settled in the Carolinas!!March to Lansing
The Compact vs C.U.C.K.S.
(12) vs (14) 2 minor victory for C.U.C.K.S.
Siege of Pittsburgh
Order of Old Gods vs New England
(10) vs (22) 12 strong victory for NE
Second Battle of the Bayou
(10) vs (14) 4 victory for NARG
Raid on Texlahoma
(10) vs (26) 16 major victory for NFR
>>6075612>Rolled 5816 (1d9999)The Compact +12
>>6075620>>6075676>Rolled 4513 (1d9999)Order of the Old Gods +10
>Forgot to roll AGAIN. Gotta pay more attention to this stuff.Having multiple posts per round slows things down for everyone. I understand that accidents happen.
>>6075640>Rolled 6276 (1d9999)C.UCKS +12 WA+2
>>6075639>Rolled 8407 (1d9999)NARG +14
>>6075702>Rolled 7808 (1d9999) pali+3Mecha Brandon +30
>>6075713>Rolled 0433 (1d9999)Bliss of Befoulment (BB) (+30)
>>6075751>Rolled 3670 (1d9999)New England +20 NY+1 ME+1
>>6075820>Rolled 641 (1d9999)MEF +8 TX+6 CA+6
10 vs NARG, 10 vs MEF
>An amphibious strike force will set out of Port Aransas and establish a beachead in Tampa, Florida.I'm going to veto over-the-water action. To make things fair, we'll need to establish rules for this first. Think of the classic RISK board and how you can attack over the ocean only from certain places.
>Parece que mi superioridad ha provocado cierta controversia *chuckles* etsoy in danger
>>6075877>Rolled 2650 (1d9999)NFR +20 FL+3 TN+3
Gonna try to get one more round in in 7-8 hours if possible.