Rolled 1 (1d6)
>>5906143“…?!” A little Tomato who goes by Wilma these days shows up. <span class="mu-s">It’s young Wilma!</span>
“You’re going to play the card game under my instructions.” Mio Fenix snaps his fingers again.
“…!!!” Wilma shakes her head. “...Sorry, Johnny, but I take card games seriously.” She won the tournament that you didn’t participate in! You’re facing a real challenge!
“It’s all right…” You don’t know if you should address her as the real Wilma or not.
Wilma places down her Effect card.
<span class="mu-s">You need to do the same! Please select one of the Effect Cars in hand to put down!</span>
>Partial Self-destruction!: Receive 3 damage, and your opponent receives 2! If the sum of damage kills any of the contenders, they will remain with 1 HP.>Escape Plan!: +3 to your Dodge!<span class="mu-s">Also, please Roll for Initiative! 1d6! Best of 2!</span> I've done it for Wilma now!