Quoted By:
>§76 -1 for new garrote +2 for dedder lewts
>=§77 bal
>Yang Wuhan still needs 59LM -3 from last night
>56LM pending
>24 days remaining
>Derreschston pop. 72LM -2
>=70LM remaining
>Derreschston Sus penalty now -5
>further -15 Sus penalty will be imposed when Derreschston pop. hits <60, and -15 again at <45
>Serch Church MOAR (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15)
>Serch Church MOAR (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10)
>Stalk the Church Sissy (Dfité Pieté, Palatine Squire, suffers -12 to Hit Chance and Dodge Chance on your next fight, -4 thereafter)
>Stalk Towser
>Mass Grave
>Mart Street
>Mayorate Court, off End Main
>by chokey choke? (GARROTE)
>by slashy slash? (DAGGA)
>[From whence? Write-in]
>[What? Write-in]
>TRAINAN (Toady and Gui Li combined require §2.5/day for Toady to completely focus on training) (Carrionpede Form is currently at +4(/4) Hit Chance and +2(/4) Damage) (Gui Li imposes -1 to gains in Form per gain at this time; min gain is +1)
>gains in Martial Form do not require this yet, as Toady is a novice and QM did not impose it at the beginning
>as Toady advances his Martial Form a successful 1D100 will be required per TRAINAN to advance.
Out of respect for the previous CHOOSE MENU clusterfuck, QM will leave this 2C1R open for 48hrs from this post.
Anons may request for time extension to allow optimal weigh-in.