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Lucian slipped the key into the slip and turned it. Like the other doors it unlocked easily. The evidence showing that at least the main part of the building was well cared for when everyone was still alive.
The Peasant had a cloth on top of his nose as he swung the door open. His eyes squinting as he expected a rush to dust to come slam into him. None came through and instead he was welcomed with a rather homey room.
“No dust eh?” Adok noted as he stood behind Lucian, “Must belong to that no-name priest we saw. I wonder what happened to the rest of his order.”
“Let's hope he left some kind of note.” Lucian noted as he walked through the doorway and into the room proper.
For being the place of a dead man who worshiped a death god the room did not appear to be drab. About the room was a lot of black cloth with beige highlights that had upon it a sigil of some kind. Taking a closer look it appeared to be that of a Raven, a symbol of Morr.
“This is good craftsmanship.” Adok said as he rubbed his hand on one of the shelves, “Think this man might have been one of your Nobleman or something?”
“Maybe.” Lucian admitted as he walked away from the sigil, “Back in Aquitaine three of the Priests there were Nobleman who had been called upon by Morr to serve him, and so they did. So its not impossible.”
As Lucian said that he walked over and reached what looked to be a desk. His hands opening each of the drawers in search of something out of the ordinary. There were a few pieces of paper with writing upon it and leather bound books that had scripted letterings written into parchment. A single one of these books would be worth a homestead in Lucian’s old village.
It was when Lucian’s hand brushed upon a black leather bound book that he stopped, “Hey Adok, I think I found something.”
“Well what is it?” The Dwarf asked as he walked to Lucian’s side.
“I don’t know, I can’t read.” The Peasant admitted as he handed the Leatherbound book to the Dwarf.
“An Umgi asking a Dwarf to read his own script?” The Dwarf sounded more outraged as such a suggestion than the moving of the bodies earlier. He accepted the book and opened it up, “You are lucky I studied your script then. After we are done here I’m going to teach you the runes of your people.”
“Uh, thank you.” Was about all Lucian could say as he saw the Dwarf open the book.