>>5480681>>5480684>>5480702>>5480708With the birth of our new alliance, steps are taken to strengthen it over the remainder of our age. This includes integrating our customs and governmental structure amongst the clans; though they still have a strong tendency to rule with a might-makes-right attitude, they adopt a council structure within their respective clan holdings, with elders amongst the notable family for each group holding seats. Through other means such as celebrations, artistic depictions of the three cornerstones of our burgeoning kingdom, or finding ways to integrate the faiths and religions of the three people into one cohesive structure, the alliance is made overall stronger.
Having united the clans, the new Barbarian King sets about a new task, one arguably greater than any he has accomplished: taming a dragon. The seers foretell that he will be able to succeed, and so a great pyre is constructed. One of the four eggs is removed from their pool and placed within it.
A great fire, larger than any your people have ever made, is constructed. It is within this grand pyre that the egg, kept for so many years in a kind of stasis, is hatched. A creature, born of fire and smoke, emerges; it does not completely resemble its more primordial forebear, though it retains qualities that harken back to that elemental creature. Its scales are dark and black, its eyes and chest a smoldering orange, and it roars as it is born.
The hero sets about his work, attempting to subdue the creature. Unfortunately, despite his efforts and despite the prediction of the seers, he fails. Every attempt is rejected, no matter what means he approaches it from. The dragon lashes out, threatening to kill anyone who draws near, and very nearly kills the barbarian lord.
Seeing no recourse, the barbarian moves to kill the beast before it can do harm onto your people. He is stopped by the two half-vampiric brothers, who hold him back at the behest of the Regina. She does not wish to see the beast killed, not when there is yet a chance. When the dragon sees its moment, it takes off into the sky, testing its new wings, flying west towards a mountain range.
The barbarian slams a fist onto the ground. He has never known defeat, and it is a bitter thing, particularly when so much hope and predicted success was heaped upon this. Refusing to believe that failure is the only thing to accept in this situation and determined to prove the seers right, he plans to set off. The two half-vampire brothers accompany him.