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The <span class="mu-s">Level 5 Library</span> is the only one on the level, and is probably the biggest and most grand government structure on the level. As due to the technological restrictions placed on people on Level 5, very few forms of electronics exist- limiting the spread and access to both knowledge and entertainment. Books are the low-tech solution to both problems- and have ended up being highly cherished by people on Level 5. So much so that this building probably has more security then any other on your level- and has become more and more strict over the years. Now, you can't even check out a book if you're truant on a fine payment, or if you have a bad criminal record. It's probably the biggest incentive for people on your level to keep your nose clean. You used to spend so many visits here- checking out fantasy and history books and greedily reading over them- creating both your love of the genre to this day as well as inspiring other events in your life. Who knows where you would be without it.
Going inside- you see the rows and rows of books past the body scanners and security guards at the front. The isles are actually packed despite how quiet it is- a great number of people studying and learning for their own purposes- some for curiosity and entertainment, some for more practical uses. In your case, it's all business this time. You can't just find the coolest looking fantasy book for a fun weekend- it's strange how the place transforms from a wonderland into a repository of human knowledge, right before your eyes...