Quoted By:
The sun rose high in the sky as Lucian stood ontop of Nightshade. Around him was in the most basic sense, a horde of peasants who assembled at his beck and call to serve the Dukes in their time of need. He held underneath his person two hundred of these people, a formidable force that could raze villages if Lucian saw the need to do so.
It was pitiful, Lucian realized. These people had lives just like his up until the army came into the shanty town of Castle Bastonne looking for recruits. Now they were out in the fields either valuing their lives to be less than a copper coin or not even having the choice. The Knights however needed more men after the slaughter that had taken place just a few weeks ago.
“Most of them showed up.” Adok said as he laid in the wagon that was being pulled by Truffles, “I only expected half of them to show up.”
“They get paid after the fighting.” Lucian told the Dwarf the simple reason for it all, “That or they fear me too much to go against my orders. “
Lucian could see the dwarf shaking his head at the notion, “You Umgi… If this was a Dwarf hold no one would bat an eye at needing to defend their lands. It would be do or die if these Orks escape yet they are held here by fear of you and not the Urks!”
Even as they were surrounded by the Peasants the soldiery did not make a murmur underneath the watchful eye of Lucian. Such was their fear of the Black Knight who had no qualms with killing those who were once his brothers and sisters.
Looking over Lucian could see them. With Yeoman being chased by a horde of Greenskin at their rear. Said monsters of war quickly breaking off from the mounted riders just as they had beforehand. Though it did not go as smoothly as last time as Lucian watched a horde of wolf-riding goblins overtake the pitiful remainder of the Yeoman.
>Give a Speech *Speak of what?*
>March to the front
>Let the drags take the impact.