We enter now into the tenth and final age for this thread. Upon its completion, we will be completely caught-up with where the players are, and once each of them finishes their ages (admittedly I've been spending a lot of creative energy getting this thread caught up to Age 10, so hopefully it won't be long) I will begin another thread on /qst/ for the 11th Age, and so on.
As a reminder, the project's discord is available to any who wish to join to get updates on when I'll be posting a new thread, as well as discussion about the game with my players who control their own civs.
Here's that link again:
https://discord.gg/xeYq6mJ9TBI would post my twitter, which I used to use to post /qst/-related updates but I've lost the password for it and also forgotten the email and I'm currently being held at gunpoint please send hel-
>...Agriculture brings about many changes in our society, allowing our home to expand and rebuild after the conflict with the barbarians. As our food production increases, so too does our population and the roles in our society, allowing for the emergence of dedicated workers, priests, fishermen, farmers and so on. Our animals benefit from food we produce as well, becoming more numerous. The bounty of the land and lake is ours and our people prosper. This age, we see the rise of the second Regina, who earned her place by brokering a lasting and effective truce with the remaining barbarians of the south. Despite tense relations due the recent conflict, the barbarians respect strength above all else, and so a grudging respect has formed on their part.
The half-vampire brothers have grown older, and are respected members of society. Though they turned down the chance to compete to become Rex, they have nonetheless become pillars of our community, leaders in their own right, though they submit to the rule of the Regina and the wisdom of the Scarlet Serpent.
Our population going into Age 10:
850 Children
309 Hunters
155 Scouts
588 Warriors
1022 Farmers
402 Fishermen
588 Workers
32 Priests
30 Warrior-Priests
30 Seers
141 Sylvians
98 Half-Sylvians
2 Half-Vampires
1 Regina
1 Naga
4249 Total