>>5979102>>5979318"Alright that's it! Time to bring out the big guns! Or, well, the only guns we have..."
You move both of your hands to your hips and squeeze your fingers into your plugsuit, the nanotechnology that composes it molds itself inside your fists, its shape twisting around in your hands. After a second has passed, you pull your hands away from your body, tearing a hole into your suit that quickly regenerates before you can even blink. Sitting in your palms are two pristine plasma pistols, ready to deliver some hot action!
You stick your arms from behind the stump you're sitting behind and fire two shots aimed directly at the two ceiling plants bombarding you with seeds. As the plasma shots hit their elongated barrels, their green gooey insides come bursting out, and they fall to the floor deflated and emptied out.
>*huff* *puff* "What's this? A birdling specialized in GRN magic perhaps...? How absurd! The wonders of nature truly are beyond our comprehension..."You shoot one or two blasts at the woman, but the dark green fog and the slight movements of her throne make it hard for you to get a good shot in. As she puffs her green smoke at the ceiling once again, a pair of gigantic vines that covered the ceiling suddenly come to life like giant tentacles. With all their strength, they slam themselves into the stump you were using for cover, ripping it away from the ground and knocking it into a nearby wall.
You ready your pistol and aim directly at the vine's origin point on the ceiling, shooting two shots into its center mass that create a pair of massive holes in its stem, causing it to rip apart under its own weight and fall down to the ground. But as you prepare to take on the second vine-
>[Woah woah woah dudette! Chill it out, ya' gonna run outta juice!]>"Yeah, I'm also gonna die if I don't use said juice! Shut up-"Two lights quickly fly past from behind you, landing directly into the vine's middle and ripping its tip clean off. Your partner walks up to your side, also holding two pistols in her hands.
>"Oh, uh... Thanks. I'm surprised you still have your weapon add ons downloaded, though you'd replace your pistols with water guns that shoot pink lovey hearts or something.">"Eh?? Is that actually a thing Storkie??">"Ugh... Nevermind, let's just deal with this bitch already.">"Sure, but don't forget Storkie, we're here to get information, not just kill random people!">[Heh, yeah. She forgets that a lot.]>"Tell "the people" to stop being asshats then! I swear..."You and your partner are fully ready to fight, but unfortunately your suit's battery life doesn't last forever. Your partner should have a bit more than you do, but you don't fully trust her with hitting a target hidden in a dense fog. No concrete proof that she's a bad markswoman or anything, just a feeling in your gut...