>>6077829He swipes Maggy at whatever it is that's sunk pain into his thigh and side.
It leaps clear, just out of reach. It's a... it's pulling its hand back. The blade glows a faint yellow; Phasic weapon!
Linne'rach HalfElven wants to throw in return, throw off the <span class="mu-g">thing</span>'s aim. But the Convincer is thonged to his wrist, and Maggy's knucklehoops are still on his fingers.
He brings both up in a desperate block.
And that's the last un. Worked up a sweat, you did. Just eight sleepy Humie villagers, but all toughies, even the women. They might have been Fighty Ones, though not of any kind you know. No kit, no magic, no skillz. And dat big old un, second to last. Who knew he'd have that much blood innim.
Everyone goes into the Pouch, along with their immediate effects.
Eight's pretty good, for one night. You're bushed and peckish and horny; you can't do another run anyway. If you push it you're going to get dum and die dum.
You were so into the slaughter you forgot that you meant to shiddrawra someone. There's no point if they're all dedd.
Oh well. Tomorrow night. Wiv yez Dagga in yez belt an da Carrionpede under it, the world is your drawra.
Just for a victory treat, you eat the last one's heart.
You're hungry, and it's so long since you've had a nice helffy Humie heart, and it's just one. Seafood's got seven more, plus the bodies.
He won't mind.
He minds verily.
You are obliged on pain of having your bugg- and koomholes seared shut to do the Whore's Stance over incense for hours.>Yang Wuhan requires 70LM - 11 =69LM>nice.>25 days remaining >Derreschston pop. 72LM>gen penalty in Derreschston -3[WAT NEXT?]
>MOAR BLUDD!!>nerrrh...iz porn fer da porn god a fing? Slutts fer da slutt throne? [same as BFTBG, but total BLOOD gained is divided by 3, min 1, and something something plup-plup-plup]>else?