>EXCERPT FROM THE NOTES OF CORRESPONDENT #314, ETC."What a surprise. I was pulled away for another infernal meeting---which (as always) could have been a memo---and when that was over with, I gave the idea of not returning serious contemplation. The odds did not appear to be in my favor. And imagine losing a position to automatons or mere animals: if it leaked, it would be the talk of the department. I am always the talk of the department; I have no desire to be moreso.
Unfortunately, it occurred to me that Charlotte was allegedly in the audience, that she was likely still in the audience, and that there was no guarantee whatsoever that she would be returned sane, intact, or at all. That did it. I had no particular need to win this peculiar competition, 'Crown' or no, but I did have a strong particular need to rescue Charlie from her bungling. Presumably it was her who landed us there to begin with.
I tuned it to deposit me at the same time I left, give or take a minute or two..."
>>5969043>Huh, so kind of like that language filter Vox's got, translates me into other people's languages across the universe so they all understand me."In a sense, I suppose. I certainly don't have a native understanding of this language, though I have been practicing. It's very difficult to pronounce if one doesn't have the lips for it."
>"HA! You and Tanya would DEFINITELY get along! "I don't doubt it, though I must warn you that I've been deemed 'difficult' to interact with. If she's intelligent, I wouldn't expect issues. It's only polite to use her preferred title-- though I much prefer it when people don't use my title, myself."
>And someone stole those parts of you away. That's almost as bad as stealing somebody's free will, and using them like a puppet to do...terrible...things...""Yes. ...If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure it's happened many times before. I am a transient thing. I can't say I don't wish I wasn't."
>That was his final lesson, that we all have to die one day."All except the WYRM. Yes. This is truer than you know."
>We Saiyans are warriors, it isn't our place to die old and infirm in bed, no longer able to fight. We fight until our last breath."I believe Charlie feels similarly, though she's never said it. It's a respectable position. I am no warrior, but it's my dearest hope I am able to die bloodied."
>I don't really have any use for keys, I've never met a door I couldn't either tear open or kick down."Yes. You and Charlie truly do share an understanding. It might be useful to consider that just because you 'can,' doesn't mean you 'should.'"
>my sword is a sword that cuts things and summons an ancient spirit of its previous wielder"Charlotte's sword is on fire. It's terribly unsubtle."
>*Don't try anything sneaky on my dad, it won't end well for you. It never worked for anyone who tried"Thank you for your honest advice. I will refrain."