Quoted By:
Once in the assembly, the council starts by citing the current terms for the mercenary employment, before letting the captain have the word:
"Me and my men have very much enjoyed our cooperation with your lovely town, dear council. However, my men feel they are putting too much on the line, without the proper compensation. This did not use to be the issue, but since the attacks have grown more frequent in recent times, their opinions have changed."
He continues with a well articulated speech, always mentioning how good this town is, as well as all its inhabitants. He rounds it all off with circling back to the issue at hand.
"As such, after talking with my fellow men, we have agreed upon the following terms:"
<span class="mu-i"> Every man needs a proper room, with walls, roof, and a bed.
Every man needs one proper meal a day, filling his belly
Every man needs one day of total safety, not having to put his life on the line
Every man needs money, enough to one day retire and never work another day </span>
"My men get hurt and die, so you dont have to. Compensating us accordingly is only fair."
His reasoning sounds good at surface level, but this town can not provide all of this. Some of the townsfolk are currently not even close to having a life as nice as the captain wants for his men.
Certain member of the council are outraged by some of these demands, claiming the mercenaries are charlatans and thieves. Some denounce the mercenaries fighting abilities, while one call them evil.
You know there wont be any agreements like this, and decide to speak up:
As a new upstart enterprise, you are in the works of opening a bar. You have plans to brew, buy, and sell alcohol for profit. You declare your intent to provide help to the mercenaries, so long as they stay to protect the town.
The things you are willing to provide are as follows:
Cheap lodging, so the mercenaries have places to sleep protected against the elements
Cheap alcohol, to let them relax and keep morale up
Free taste testing of new alcohol, as a little extra
Monetary compensation, to help the town pay for the mercenaries services
The captain looks at you, assessing you for a second, before responding.
"Alcohol is mighty fine, and so is the extra money, but the fact you cant provide alcohol and a place to sleep for free, says something about your character. You pay us, so we can pay you? Hell, why not tell us to work for free or fuck off!?"