Quoted By:
Then, with another ripple, it moves ahead, revealing... a shimmering shape behind it? You squint dazedly and the blurry, bright dot turns into a series of many tiny, golden and white dots lined in the shape of thin fibers. Focusing further, they the mysterious constellation forms... an animal? Or more like the nerve system of one. Looking as if sitting patiently and overlooking you from afar. Like a small - but morbid - guiding light.
Realization hits you. With it blessed, albeit still wobbly, consciousness.
The loving licks of cool morph back into the piercing icy spears all over. There is a pulsing, painful sensation at the back of your head. The machinery is getting even more silent - the doors must have closed. With them, the fog stopped pouring in, as now rays of light pierce through the greyish flowing canopy.
Stirring your surprisingly stiff body, you focus on what you hope is The Don. In response, They cock Their head. Emboldened, you muster the remaining strength and force your cold, dainty arms to crawl. Each time you catch up, Pesky shape scampers back. Each time, there is more light. Each time, more and more of your strength returns. Until finally, you hit a wall. Or rather, a small wooden piece of furniture which The Cat phases through, indifferent to mortal problems like friction.
Desperate, and understanding, you push it to the side. It gives way right when your head starts protruding from the remaining mist, revealing a hole. You came here for different reasons...
Sighing, you concede and slip inside. It sure does beat getting caught.
You flop at the side of the entrance, spent but slowly recuperating. Tiredly, you scour your surroundings. Up ahead, a single ray of light from the outside shines and bounces off from the evidently crudely hewn walls of a narrow, limestone cavern. A single, utterly dark and even tighter passage looms ahead. All of it is terrifyingly claustrophobic, with the cavern not wider than two meters, and the passage around one. Worryingly – the air is not stale as one could expect, rather the familiar light breeze flows from the passage. Like before, it doesn’t help with your dizziness and headache.
Even worse, Don seems positive about delving deeper, judging by Them sitting expectantly far ahead next to a turn, glowing with colors out of space. Tired, you close your eyes and think.
What to do from there?
> It’s about time... Take Jaq’s ‘vaccine’ and follow Don into the caves. [RES???]
> You aren’t a lab rat. Follow Don into the caves without the untested medicine. [RES-2]
> Wait for the guards to leave and head to the bunker. DC40/80 (how much time passes) [RES-2 for each period of hiding]
> Wait for the guards to leave and head elsewhere (where?) DC40/80 (same rules)
> Write in!
> Wield your trusted wooden Pike.
> Tight spaces small arms – take the crudely sharpened kitchen knife.
> Acid into their eyes! Wield the bottles of acid.
> Go barehanded.