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PCSQ5: The Graduation

ID:CQyDHjXM No.5762023 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Recovered Report #0004: 'A new Norm'; Author Unknown;

Status: Declassified; Approved for public consumption.

The following report details the extraordinary set of circumstances occuring around the time of last days of [REDACTED], a corrective facility for delinquents with a particular philosophy of what exactly 'correction' means, located at coordinates [REDACTED], hidden deep in the lush forests of Swiss Alps' peaks, durning the period of [REDACTED] to [REDACTED], and under jurisdiction of [REDACTED].

The perspective of this inquiry, as stated in previous instalments, is Yui Nakamura - a mousy Japanese student sentenced to enroll into [REDACTED] under a flimsy pretext. His life in the facility, growth, as well as his attempt at escape will be detailed and used to contextualize the broader circumstances within this work.

To ensure clarity for the readers, a concise summary of the events preceding current report is due.

Previously, our protagonist beared witness to the beginning of facility's new ploy, an examination period leading up to an event only described as 'The Graduation'. Forced to accomplish possibly illegal tasks, Yui found out the secret underbelly of the ordeal - the alteration of the students via nefarious means in accordance to the [REDACTED]'s agenda. Yet the road of discovery wasn't clean, and Yui witnessed death once again. This time claiming the lives of other students. Faced with those challenges, he befriended his eager Overseer, and began planning his next moves with questionable allies. Now, faced with a dilemma questioning his loyalty and morals, he has to make his choice... With many more to follow suit in his Quest to escape the Paranormal Crossdressing School For Delinquents.