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Hemya quickly unscrewed the grate from the vent to secure another escape path in case she gets swarmed by mutants.
Even without the screws the grate can be re-attached without any issue, the stupid mongrels wont notice a thing.
After that was done, the scavenger-girl had to deal with the dead mutant situation.
The fat mutant with the lantern came from north of the junction near of Hemyas entrance room.
The other two came from the east , lets call them the torch mutants.
One came with a bucket, the others brought glass bottles.
This room with the leaky pipe must be the watering hole for (at least) those two tribes.
Considering how the torch wielder reacted to the fatty's corpse, those two groups might not like each other.
Both tribes will probably sent out some more mutts to find out why their water-carriers have not returned yet.
Hemya is coming up with a devilish idea, but first she has to deal with all of the possible loot.
The rope holding the female mutant's "dress" in place seemed pretty sturdy.
The fat guy carried a sack made of some kind of tough synthetic fibers, there were some roasted insect remains inside of it but the girl dumped those, she is not that desperate yet.
Torch wielder had nothing but a loin cloth and a necklace made of chewed-up electronic scrap, useless.
Aside from that there is the steel bucket that the fat guy brought, the water in the bucket looks clean and only has a slight iron smell to it.
His chem lantern can't be turned off but it offers some nice permanent light source.
The 3 glass bottles look pretty sturdy, plus they still have their caps attached.
Hemya used the moment of peace to scrape the cloth scraps covered in black, burning sludge from the torch-stick.
Using the rope from the mutant girls' dress, she fastened the bone shiv onto the stick to create a (quite fragile) war-pick.
The pile black sludge is still burning and stinking up the place, but its Hemyas only source of fire so she refrains from extinguishing it for now.
There are still no signs of mutants approaching, our heroine still got some time to plan her next actions
>1. Move the loot to the starting room
>2. check where the vent leads to in hopes of finding a saver location
>3. [write in]
>Hemya also wants to spend some time arranging the corpses to make it look like the to parties had a fight. should she do it?