>>5782136So you bite your tongue, and clench your jaws tightly together to keep from letting any more noises slip out of them as you, limping, stagger up the first few steps of the stairway. You need a plan, and quickly. You can hear footsteps, and the shouting voices are near enough to be comprehensible, and with an upward glance you can see the shadows cast by the gods who sounded the alarm and lit the beacons, stretched out across the clouds like giants.
Quickly. Quickly. You don't call yourself a genius prodigy for no reason. You need a plan. Even a pitiful exiled god nearly killed you. Unlike in hell, you can't possibly fight your way out of this mess you've gotten into. All you can do is keep reaching towards the moon and moving forward. But you can't stumble forward blindly. You need a plan. A good plan of action will keep you from getting skinned today. And while it isn't as brag worthy as slipping beneath the noses of every god, but tricking a few is still a feat worthy of being boasted about, right?
Walking up the stairs at a steady, though staggered pace because of all the pain having your side ripped open and losing what feels like gallons of blood, you devout all of your mental energy, exert all of your brainpower and squeeze every drop of genius that you can to come up with a plan in the seconds it'll take for the guardian gods to track and hone in on your position.
<span class="mu-s"> All DCs are hidden while you are in the nine heavens. At your current level, the power of gods is beyond comprehension </span>
How do you try to escape your pursues and slip into the lowest of the nine heavens, Huanliuxue?
>Create a blood puppet and transfer the Teal fires onto it, Smothering the flames on your fur out with Ice magic, and use it as a diversion as you limp beneath a bush to stop your bleeding and heal quickly (Magic/ Stealth trial. DC Unknown)>Focus inwards and eclipse your Yin with your yang and rely on the unknown powers of your eclipsed Yang physique (Magic/ Focus trial. DC Unknown)>Wait. Most of the people in Chuan worship you. They pray to you, instead of other gods, real or imagined. Maybe they have enough faith in you for you to use it as a disguise. Slip away into a stream, and transform yourself into your human form. Clothes can wait until after you've hoodwinked the first gods to reach you (Trickery/ Deception trial. DC unknown, lowered by current Karma and having worshippers)>FUCK IT! Your bleeding out your miraculous drugs! Nothing ventured nothing gained! Just sprint as fast as you can and make a break for it! (Haste trial. DC unknown. Increased by your wounds)>Write inhttps://youtu.be/a6qMW-6KZT0>>5782128Precisely. If you had succeeded, You'd have gotten through without issue. Now its more complicated.