Rolled 2, 3 + 1 = 6 (2d3 + 1)
>>5665214(I hope I'm doing this right.
I'm attempting to Migrate the scraps first and Expand all the thriving mon of the first generation second.
Priority for tile expansion of thriving mon is marked with P1 being highest priority and P4 being lowest. Assume the first result is for the thriving population on the starting tile and the second is for the thriving population not on it.)
The Edismon continue to expand. A portion of the new Scraplands population has chosen to migrate further west, back to their preferred Ancient Ruins habitat, though a small portion of the species remains in the scrap for reasons unknown. Some of the newly-migrated have begun sharing rumors that the Edismon are not alone on this island... but those can't be true, can they? All these mon have seen is themselves, after all!
Beyond that, the species continues to thrive in its natural habitat and expand outwards. A few curious specimens have attempted seafaring- only to quickly learn why their ancestors stuck to the land in the first place. Oh well, they'll give it another shot eventually!
I'm just realizing that the Edismon have identical stats to the Bowelsmon and now i'm surprised lol. I kind of expected more camo and a lot less defense since I mentioned that Edismon were pretty frail, but I'm not complaining. I'm not entirely sure how camo would fit them any better anyways.
Anyways, I've got a trait in mind for their evolution that i'm worried will break the game. It's not relevant now, but I hope it doesn't mess things up when I suggest it lol. I'm more worried about going too far with the species' design since I'm sticking pretty close to traditional Digimon progression and their evolutions are usually really drastic.>>5665378Oh shit, that roll sucks. Sorry dude! Rooting for your lil guys regardless, good luck!!