>>5739849Blinking the coating of blood away, you find yourself lying on the floor next to a break in the railing surrounding the pit!
“<span class="mu-i">Diesel!?</span>”
Shaking off some of the fatigue from your body, you look around and see that Raj, Pepper, and even Rodney are gathered around you with genuine concern in their eyes!
… with a little fear mixed in too…
“Holy… holy <span class="mu-i">shit</span>, D…” Mutters your ‘<span class="mu-i">rival</span>’ as he wipes some sweat off of his brow onto one of his bloodstained jacket’s arms, “You <span class="mu-i">good</span>, man?”
You’re not really <span class="mu-i">sure</span>, you shrug, unable to think of a better answer! You saw that thing about to kill Raj an-
“You don’t gotta explain it, bro.” Raj interjects as he gives your shoulder a reassuring pat, “Whatever happened, you still managed to save my ass–that’s a win if ya’ ask me!”
Pepper’s the quietest of them all. Sensing you staring at her, the girl averts her eyes as a warm, trembling smile forms on her face!
“... you got him, Diesel.” She sighs in relief as she gestures to the break in the railing, “I don’t know how you did it, but you <span class="mu-i">got</span> his ass.”
Taking another steadying breath, she turns to face you with more resolve in her eyes. “And don’t worry: we’re gonna help you with whatever <span class="mu-i">that</span> was.”
“Damn right we are!” Nods Rodney before realizing how eager he sounds! “ERR, I mean… g-gotta keep our rivalry <span class="mu-i">even</span>, y’know? Can’t have ya’ cheatin’!”
“Glad you’re back with us, dude.” Raj remarks as he too gives you a grin! “You uh… you <span class="mu-i">are</span> back, right?”
You think you are… but something’s definitely <span class="mu-r">changed</span>... and something tells you it ain’t going back to normal any time soon!
<span class="mu-r">CHANGES ARE HAPPENING…</span>
Rising to unsteady feet, you look at the chamber around you and frown at the damages incurred by the fight–will the power still work?
“Didn’t have a chance to check yet.” Shrugs Pepper, “We were barely able to yank you outta’ that goon before he <span class="mu-i">fell</span>...”
You feel a pit form in your chest. So they saw that, huh?
“... there’s still more places to explore down here.” Replies Pepper as she looks back the way you entered from with an angry glint in her eyes. “And without that thing chasing us it’ll be a helluva lot easier to gather dirt on the sick bastards that ran this place…”
Motioning for you to follow, Raj and Pepper offer you their shoulders for support! Though you brush both of them off, they ignore you and help out anyways as Rodney brings up the rear!
Friends like these, huh…