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Lucian studied her for a moment. Feeling out how he should. She did not seem that bad of a person and she her anxiousness was likely because of what he had committed earlier today.
No one liked the executioner after all. Really only those that were enshrined as nobility were stainless when they killed one of their subjects. Their prestige, power, and simple cleanliness meant that they were not stained by the blood of those that they had slain.
For Lucian, who was not only a Peasant but also a follower of Morr, such aura of death would haunt him wherever he went. To commit the kill was only something that reminded everyone that Lucian was in fact something different from them. He was a squire and would act in the authority of the Count when his honor was tarnished.
Though they might see it just that little bit differently, Lucian realized, for only a few days ago his entire understanding of Honor and Chivalry was transformed into what it was today.
Because of this he needed to go easy on the woman. Keep things calm. He wanted her to tell him everything that she needed to tell him.
“So when did this happen?” Lucian asked as he gave a smile.
“Uh, th-three weeks ago.” The woman said as she scratched the back of her head, “I-I remember because my nan died in one of the orc attacks.”
That would pin the date at about the time Bastonne rallied for war.
“Know that she is with Morr now.” Lucian told the woman as he gave a small smile, “Did her body make it to the Garden?”
“Y-yes it did! It was Samuel who took care of her for me.” The eyes of the girl lit with excitement as she recalled the memory, “It was so sweet of him. She looked just I remembered her, not a single scar of the Orc’s attack was made upon her body.”
Lucian thought to himself for a moment, “He healed her body and repaired the flesh. That is mighty kind of him.” And very expensive, Lucian also noted.
“It was…” She had a small tear going down her cheek.