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Diamond can't believe it! "Who invited that filthy old furball?"
"Tamounda!" Tamounda hops and charges at Rattletrap!
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">
Tamounda is challenging Rattletrap!
Rattletrap's lure is starting to glow.
Tamounda attacks with Tail!
It doesn't seem to have any effect!
Rattletrap attacks with Fangs!
Tamounda is fleeing the fight!
Tamounda escapes!
It seems like Tamounda is too afraid to keep fighting Rattletrap!
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">Catscan is challenging Auroara!
Catscan attacks with Tele-Fission!</span></span>
Auroara is gritting her teeth! It looks like she wants to cry out but she doesn't!
What? Auroara's eyes are starting to glow even though she doesn't have very much energy?
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">Auroara attacks with Takeover!
Catscan blocks the attack!</span></span>
"Aaa..." Suddenly Auroara cries out a little bit and crouches on one knee!
You look at Auroara and then at Rattletrap!
"I should tire you out so you don't run away this time." Diamond glances at Rattletrap and says "Rattletrap, give that Cutémon a squeeze!"
"Sssssssss..." Rattletrap wraps its tail around you and squeezes you! You can't move at all, no matter how hard you try!
Diamond glances at Trent and Catscan. "Now, while Rattletrap has her tight, give her a jolt."
"You heard Diamond. Catscan, hit that Cutémon with TK Drain!"
"Tamounda!" What? Tamounda is back?
Tamounda licks Catscan!
What? Catscan is looking at Rattletrap instead of you? "Catscannn..."
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">Catscan is challenging Rattletrap!
Catscan attacks before Rattletrap was ready!
Catscan attacks with TK Drain!</span></span>
"Not that mon, the other one!" Diamond can't believe it!
Rattletrap drops you on the ground! You look up and Catscan is staring at you! "Catscannn..."
"Tamounda!" Tamounda slaps Catscan with his tail! Catscan goes flying into the woods!
Tamounda crouches down to block you and Auroara! "Tamounda!"
Diamond, Rattletrap, and Trent all stand over you! Diamond glares at Tamounda and says "My arena already has enough mops. It's these two <span class="mu-r">human-type mons</span> I'm interested in. Now shoo, before I have you made into stuffing."
"Hey, pick on someone your own size!"
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">Starr attacks before Diamond was ready!
Starr attacks with Punch!</span></span>
Trent can't believe it! "What the..."
[SFX: double shell clap]
Chompex and Clambreak jump at Trent!
Diamond can't believe it! She stands up with her hand over one eye and says "Rattletrap, use your..."
<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">Waterbear attacks before Rattletrap was ready!
Waterbear attacks with Hydrant!</span></span>
Waterbear shoots a blast of water straight into Rattletrap's mouth! Rattletrap can't believe it!
Diamond glances around and sees Trent running away! Diamond looks at you and then runs away with Rattletrap behind her!
>Follow them (roll 1d100)
>Let them escape