>>5477368Much later, once things have grown quiet, one year later, a cold fog creeps into town just before dawn. A bundle is left within the council chamber, and contained within is not one, but two children: twins, both male. The half-vampire children of the thirdborn son. It seems that the prophecy of the female Seer wasn't perfect, for she had predicted only one child...
The future Rex awakens in her room and comes face-to-face with the vampire. Within her eyes is such a sorrow that all hate and anger on the part of the daughter vanishes. "I will never ask for forgiveness but I am truly sorry," the vampire says. "For your brothers, for everything. It will never happen again, and I will prove it to you. Please, do not hate the children... it wasn't their fault."
The daughter wishes to speak to her, but as the vampire finishes speaking, she closes her eyes for the last time as the first rays of the sun reach her. She vanishes in a brilliant display of flame, with ash falling from her body like leaves from a tree, but her end could only be described as serene.
She is gone, ending her sad story. Yet, her legacy endures, for the children live on.
>...What is our tech choice for the end of this age?
Tier 2
>Advanced Foraging (Leads to Pathfinding, and Early Medicine) (Food Boost)>Clothing (Leads to Architecture) (Cultural/Protection Boost)>Art (Leads to Proto-Writing, Astrology, Numerals and Pottery) (Cultural Boost)>Music (Leads to Astrology) (Cultural Boost)Tier 3
>Domestication (Leads to Animal Husbandry) (Food/Production Boost)>Taxation (Leads to Bartering) (Economic Boost)>Furnace (Leads to Bronze Working, Smoke Signals, and the Forge) (Production Boost)>Mining (Leads to Masonry, Bronze Working and Cement) (Production Boost)>The Wheel (Leads to Wagons, Advanced Pottery, and Siege Towers) (Production Boost)>Weaponry (Leads to Bronze Working, Archery, and Siege Towers) (Combat Boost)>Sailing (Leads to Shipbuilding) (Exploration Boost)>Agriculture (Leads to Animal Husbandry, Irrigation, and Alcohol) (Food/Population Boost)