>>5786716Turns out this alcohol-based liquid made for disinfecting surfaces is a bit more potent than the actual medical stuff she used in the past.
After washing out her wound, she poured just a little of it on her leg but it was enough to almost have her scream out in pain.
Hemya poured half a bottle of her water on it to stop the searing sensation.
Her leg is still throbbing with pain but at least its cleaned and bandaged now.
The mutant fight is dying down, they must be getting tired.
Maybe some left due to injuries or they got knocked out, or (if Hemya is lucky) even got killed.
As for the preparations before she starts up that machine-man in the neighboring room.
She left the pry bar attached to the panel on her side of the door to look that thing in there in case its aggressive.
Her flimsy war-pick probably won't do much to it, but its should buy her some time if things turn sour.
>anything else before she boots up our friend?