Quoted By:
Zavrazin: “This is it everyone, the final phase of Operation Iron Sky; the assault on Yagmur Airbase. In a few hours NOAF units in the surrounding area will launch a massive attack on the airbase. Your unit will spearhead the attack on the command centre where enemy resistance is heaviest. Expect dug in infantry supported by mega cavalry and vanguard units.”
“High command has come through with some air support, but the neromians have scrambled their own planes to meet ours. Both groups should arrive over the battlefield shortly after the mission begins. Thanks to your destruction of the SAM site in the Yilma Valley our pilots can breathe a little easier, but the command centre is still protected by several short range air defence turrets which will threaten our ground attack aircraft should they attempt an air strike. The Neromians will also attempt airstrikes on our own forces should they gain the upper hand in the air. Unfortunately your fire control systems are not calibrated to engage fast moving aircraft strafing the battlefield so I’ve deployed the SPAAG platoon: Okchu to provide AA cover. I cannot stress this enough: your job is to secure victory on the ground. <span class="mu-s">Leave the air battle to the pilots and AA crews,</span> if you want to gain an edge; <span class="mu-s">eliminate the enemy AA turrets and protect your own AA units.</span>”
“I won’t lie: once battle is joined it will rapidly devolve into a cluster fuck. Expect hostile units from other fronts to periodically wander into the AO. Do not lose sight of your primary objectives: the capture of the command centre and destruction of enemy high value targets. For the former we will be sending in a constant stream of mechanized infantry. Protect their transports until they can storm the building. We are prepared to commit as many men as it takes, however I would prefer those casualties be minimized.”