################## QM STATE OF THE UNION ##################
>Territory Leaders:1st Utah // 373
2nd NFR // 358
3rd Mecha Brandon // 290
>Capitals Controlled1st NFR // 3
2T NARG // 2
2T New England // 2
2T Bliss of Befoulment // 2
2.5 Mecha Biden (missing og cap) // 2
3 MEF // 1
3.5 Utah // 1 (missing og cap)
>Land Size (measured in PIXELS)1st UTAH
2nd MEF
3rd C.U.C.K.S
>Unified States1st New England // 9
2nd Utah // 5
3rd C.U.C.K.S // 3
The victor will be chosen using this type of data, updated after ROUND 50.
I will entertain discussions/opinions on how to rank these metrics (land area and state unifications are weaker than the other two b/c these conditions weren't really set from the beginning).
If you can think of another reasonable metric to include, let me know here.
Potential Victor (ROUND 40)
>[2] Weight (equal weight for all 4 metrics)9 points for 1st place; 1 pts for 9th place; ties take the average
(2T & 2T & 2T = ((8+7+6)/3 ) = 7 for all three
>[3] Would result in the following scoreboard: 1st: New Florida Republic = 29
2nd: IMPERIAL UTAH = 27.5
3rd: New England = 24
4th: Coalition of Undead Clubbed Kanadian Seals = 23
5th: Mexican Expeditionary Forces =19
6thT: North American Revengeance Government = 18
6thT: Bliss of Befoulment =18
8th: Mecha Brandon = 17
9th: Order of the Old Gods = 4.5
(as noted, these rankings can radically change depending on weight; I will not consider Land-Area and Unified-States to be equivalent to Capitals and Territories in the final tally, as I do in the sample above)
need to decide final metrics for evaluating the victor
points system example using some metrics