>>6177388Incidentally for those anons who enjoy reading and collecting obscure RPG setting rulesets and pdfs, I can recommend one that I stumbled upon...
This is a high production value setting, a lot of effort went into this one it is called WULFWALD basically imagine a very hardcore Anglo Saxon world that literally resembles that historical glossary I linked above lol except combined with elves (Aelfcynnn, elf-kin) and dwarves (Dweorg Scildgebrodor, dwarf shield brother) etc.
As far as I can tell and I checked lol all the Anglo Saxon nomenclature appears fairly accurate for example a sorceror is a scinnlaec (scinn, as in skin or sheen, appaearance; laec sort of means play as in swordplay or possibly also the -lock bit of warlock etc, so scinnlaec is like a conjuror or enchanter of appearances).
The word Wulfwald itself derives from an old dark ages / medieval term which I already knew of where a Wolfshead, Wulfesheafod, refers to an outcast or outlaw (think of those violent and shunned berserkers wearing the funny fur wolf hat head armour things from Mount And Blade Warband Viking Conquest, ie the ulfhedinn
>>6168186 )
The art and layout of this WULFWALD rpg is very cool in that OSR sparse black and white ink illustration style, even if the world itself is just the standard fantasy dwarf elf etc with some hardcore Anglo Saxon historical nomenclature. I found it to be a very charming and atmospheric lorebook