<span class="mu-i">We still had much to learn to be good guests, We had overburdened Our host who worked tirelessly to offer Us gifts. We cried and promised to remember Its diligence, combing Its Earth and trimming Its Trees to help It heal and rejuvenate its Earth and Trees. We came to eat less so that We would have more Little Ones for what little Earth and Trees Our host could provide.
We lived happily with Our host like this until It fell sick despite how much We combed Its Earth and trimmed Its Trees. We cried fearing that We were still rude guests and that We may lose Our host. So Our host said:</span>
<span class="mu-g">"It is my respect for you that I enjoyed your company. Please do not forget my hospitality."</span>
<span class="mu-i">We did not live forever and it was no different for the Great Turtle. Its years were as long as Our lives, so We cried for Our host and promised to remember Its hospitality as It swam back to the shore that We had not seen for thousands of seasons. We saw that the Earth was empty and the Trees without green, much like the Great Turtle was becoming. Before arriving at the shore, the Great Turtle said:</span>
<span class="mu-g">"This was once my host where I lived with my kind until we consumed it to dust. We were not good guests to our host, but it is not too late for you. I am the last of my kind and I should have died long ago. It was my love for you that kept me swimming for so long. Please do not forget the Memories We made together."</span>
<span class="mu-i">We cried for Our host as It began Its eternal slumber. But It will forever remain with Us so long as We do not forget its compassion, empathy, diligence, hospitality, and love. That is why We clean up after Ourselves, why We still eat sparingly, why We still comb the Earth and trim the Trees, and why We never stop making Memories with each other.</span>
Welcome to Lingdom Quest, a quest about traveling across the Lingdom using the setting I built on /tg/ over here:
>>>/tg/90946850Let's build our character, shall we?
You're only 5 years old and there's a good chance that Our First Memory was lost on you. It's okay, it won't be the last time you'll hear of it. You just want to go outside and play with your cousins and neighbors but Baba stops you before you leave, asking you to get dressed properly before you go out and play.
What's the proper way for you to dress?
>Put on trousers because you're a boy.>Put on a skirt because you're a girl.>"No!" Run outside underdressed because pants are uncool.You're too young to care about how your hair looks, but you don't get to decide what color it is. Well, <span class="mu-s">you</span> do but not <span class="mu-i">you</span>.
>Dark (filled)>Medium (shaded)>Light (white)This culture heavily uses kinship terms to address older people and peers. English is used but terms for older siblings are very wordy in English. Select which you would prefer for older siblings:
>English (Brother and Sister)>Vietnamese (Anh and Chi)>Japanese (Onii and Onee)