>>5857485“I’ll get everyone something to drink!” Scarlet wants to be a good host.
“I’ll help you.” The cordial Liu extends a hand.
“So, what’s the Nameless? Don’t tell me you guys named yourself that...?” Vera notices a random banner on one of the walls and asks. Scarlet won’t like having this funny mouse around…
You’ll ignore all of that noise and make the phone call…
“Hello? Who is this?” Lise answers.
“Hey, Lise, it’s me, Johnny, can I get a minute of your time?” You ask stupidly politely.
“Hey, messy hair. If it’s important, yeah, go ahead. What’s up?” Lise is pretty chill right now.
“Where are you?” You need to know if she’s at home.
“I’m on my way to my University’s library from the gym. Constance wants me to pick up a book for her on my way to the Clinic. Why are you asking?” Lise answers. “Need something?”
“Did your dad have some important documents in your house? Like the internal map of the highest security prison in the country?” You ask very smoothly.
“Johnny, the police department raided the entire house after you saved my butt back then, remember? They took everything important.” Lise rains on your parade.
“And your mom didn’t keep anything for herself…?” You hang on to a bit of hope.
“How should I know? I’d tell you to ask her yourself, but you got her computer, don’t you? Why not look into it?” Lise is being too reasonable now. “Ugh, she got so mad when she came back home and realized everything was gone, it was like in the good ol’ traumatic times, shouting and screaming like the world was ending, at least she wasn’t mad at me for once. She knew about you having the PC, but the other stuff? Pissed off to no end. But yeah, sorry for boring you with my little venting, but you deserved it if you haven’t checked there first. Hold on, I get it, you need a way to contact my mom, right? I’ll give her a call. Is that what you want?”
<span class="mu-s">What do you do?</span>
>“NO! We’re good! We’ll look into the PC, thank you, Lise! You were a great help!” It’s time to look into this PC…>“Yes, please, I need to talk to Dorothy directly.” You can probably save a lot of time if you talk to the duck.>“I wanted to listen to your voice too.” Wiggle those eyebrows even though Lise can’t see it.>“Aren’t you wondering what I’m planning on doing? Honestly, I might need a hand. Your ability could come in handy.” You want Lise on board on this operation!>Write In.(Last Reply of the Day! We continue on Saturday!)