>>6000267 | >>6000313 | >>6000477The width of the corridors is tremendous, Killia needs dozens of minutes to reach the neighboring one. Once there, the mood and aesthetics of the place changes completely. The Dorian columns, statues and geometrically proportioned masonry in the last one make way for an endless empty hallway, only its walls are vibrating with bright colors. A few more hours pass in walking, the dark elf is kept company only by queer lengthy colorful shapes for miles. She can pick up the forms of characters and the semblance of a story being told in the intertwined colorful mess, but her legs start to tire, it might be best for her to stop for now.
Placing her sword on the ground, her trusted weapon will now be a pillow, and while kneeling she hears moaning and mumbling somewhere ahead. She doesn't see anything. She checks it out. In a few minutes she stumbles on a breach in the wall to her right. As if someone used a giant pickaxe, a crudely made protrusion was housing a being, whose body was embedded into the wall with multiple iron rods, piercing it. Killia has never seen such creature before. It looked female, with 6 fingers on each hand, an exoskeleton surrounding it. Or maybe her flesh was stripped and now this was all that was left of her.
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">go down... or leave... go down... or leave... go down or leave...</span></span>
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">Who put you here?</span></span>
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">go down... or leave... go down... </span></span>
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">Who are you?</span></span>
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">go down... or leave... go down... go down... GO DOWN! ... </span></span>
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">She must have lost her mind...</span></span> the elf thinks.
>put her out of her misery with a sword swing>get the multiple iron rods out of her. If she has survived that long in this state, she must survive their extraction too [Herculean strength]>in her closed right hand, the being is holding a small blade. Killia cuts herself on it [Masochist] (incoming dice roll)>the being is vulnerable. Very vulnerable [Sadist]>Killia leaves her to her fate and continues exploring the gigantic murals on the walls