>>5862525>>5862613>>5862626>>5862729>>5862961Peeking from your hiding spot you look around, seeing nothing new... Just the same jungle backdrop, some areas with holes in them from the enemy's attacks... There's some broken tubes going on under there, water dripping out making mud... If it had the right consistency maybe you could shove it into those exhaust tubes on his back to give him trouble.
And on the back the same big wall of trees closing the arena.
...But something about them seems off. When you were knocked against the wall it must've loosened up some sort of panel... Going over the trees? Wait, those were not separate trees but merely looked like it, it was all just one big piece made to look like a natural wall.
And it should be able to... Open up, and reveal something.
So, there's some new options revealed!
But... Unfortunately, as you finally see something to turn the tide of the battle, you hear something digging, and picking up the big rock you were behind.
"Hide n' seek? My least favorite game. When I was a child, my brother loved to hide. So I bashed his head in with a rock."
"Shall I do the same to you?!" Well shit.
>Dash to the mysterious wall of trees! [DODGE]>Dive into the hole with water! [DODGE]>Try to break the rock with your lance! [ATTACK]