>>5820560((After some discussion the discord I've ruled that the point defence drone Mosin was attacking switched it's IFF <span class="mu-s">before</span> the enemy infantry fired and so would have intercepted their overwatch, thus rolling back the damage and crits.))
Neromian Cloudburst: "Yagmur! Our lines are collapsing! Where are those VTOLS!?"
Yagmur Base: "They've been diverted, Yilma is under attack, the stuff we have there is an important strategic asset, you'll have to make do."
Neromian Cloudburst: "Dammit, these guys are not regular NOAF, they have reactive armour and ECM capability, we've expended all our hunter killers!"
Yagmur Base: "Excuses..The hetman will be disappointed. If you feel the battle is lost withdraw from Yagvosk and rally at the airbase. Or maybe find a good death to mitigate your failure."
Neromain Cloudburst: "Tch..."
((You seem to have a rare instance of a hacked orphaned drone on the map, Anyone with hacking gear can change it's mode as a utility action.))
>Declare actions everyone. Turn will be processed on Tuesday 8pm GMT+8